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[Ota Ward School] Commentary on the September 1, 2024 issue

What is Ota Ward Studies?


Through YouTube and quizzes, you can have fun learning about the depth that exists in a wide range of fields such as Ota City's history, culture, famous places, traditions, and food, which are familiar but unknown to you.
The quiz will be published every month in the 11st issue of Ota Ward News. (January issue only 21/XNUMX combined issue)




 [September 1, 2020 issue]

This area was newly incorporated into Ota Ward in 2019, and the town name was finalized in 2020. Where is the area that is the size of 22 Tokyo Domes?


Answer: "Reiwa Island"

The island is the first in Japan to have a place name containing "Reiwa." The "Central Breakwater Outer Container Wharf" on the island is the newest container wharf at Tokyo Port, which handles the largest amount of containers in Japan.